A surprise inside...
11 years of Intricate Icings Cake Design. It is kinda hard to believe it's been that long since I took the fearful leap from physical...

Edible Geodes Rock
When my geode cake went viral last year, I had no idea how popular this cake style would actually become. People from all over the world...

The Geode Cake
This week a year ago I was creating a cake that would prove to be the year's hottest trend... The Geode Cake. I had no idea this cake...

Craftsy Class: Naturally Elegant Cake Designs
The big day has finally arrived! My fourth Craftsy class is now available!!! Naturally Elegant Cake Designs features three cake designs...

Giveaway: Naturally Elegant Cake Designs
UPDATED on May 16, 2016: This contest is now over. Congratulations to Iisha, Claire, and Anne-Maries!!! Here is a 50% off link to...

Sugar Geode Cake Tutorial
Geodes have been around for many years, but are most recently making their way into more traditional decor. How could they not; they are...

Amethyst Geode Wedding Cake
This will be the year of the geode. We are already seeing lots of trendy ways to use geodes within your wedding and the cake is no...